Intake Forms For Initial Consultation
To access the intake forms, you will be redirected to our booking page on "OnCall Health" where you must first request an appointment date.
Selecting an appointment time does not confirm your booking.
For all Initial Consultations, you MUST COMPLETE the following:
Step 1: Provide credit card information to be held on file.
Step 2: Complete Intake Forms
After selecting your appointment request, check your email for the link to register for your OnCall Health account and to complete these two steps. Once completed, our office will review your file and approve your booking request.
Your appointment will NOT be approved until these two steps are completed.
Intake forms can take up to 14 business days review & process. You may be given a bloodwork requisition. Bloodwork results take about 3-5 business days to arrive to us from the lab.
Booking Followup Consultations
We use OnCall Health for booking our followup consults.